Saturday, March 13, 2021

Demo Exam Papers for Primary Level.


Dear Parents,

Greetings of Peace!


We are going to have online exam on Google Form for the first time in Islamabad Convent School at Primary Level from 15 March 2021.  Links of the Exam will be shared at 2:00 pm every day for the relevant paper on Google Classroom, ICS Blog and Whatsapp groups.  You will have approximately 1 hour to 1 ½ hours (depending on the length of the paper) to complete and submit the exams of your child.  The role of parent will be to facilitate the students in complete and submitting these exams. 

We are sharing with you Demo Papers for Classes 1 to 4 for practice purpose.  Please submit it only once and if there is any problem you may contact at the contact numbers shared in my previous circular.


Demo Class 1


Demo Class 2


Demo Class 3


Demo Class 4


Good Luck!


Sr. M. Parveen Rehmat, O.P
