Monday, March 30, 2020

School Updates

Dear Parents,

Greetings of Peace and Hope!

"Urbi et Orbi (To the city of Rome and the world), reawaken and put into practice that solidarity and hope capable of giving strength, support and meaning to these hours when everything seems to be floundering". – Pope Francis

First of all, as we start the ‘New Session’ for School Year 2020-2021, we are grateful to the parents for your endless amount of love, support and continued patronage of ICS. Everything that our students are today and everything they may become tomorrow is all because of the sacrifices you as parents have made for them. A huge thanks to all the Moms and Dads for being an active contributor towards ICS family.

More than ever, we ask for your prayers, patience and seek your understanding. Following consultations with the advice of the national government and the Diocesan Board of Education it was determined to close down the school to prevent the further spread of the Novel Coronavirus. Therefore, with a heavy heart we have cancelled all our major events for the end of the school year like ‘Orientations’, ‘Culmination Activities for Nursery and KG, Graduation for Prep Class, Recognition for Primary, Junior and Senior Levels. We will remain in complete lock-down until further notice. This is for everyone’s safety.

Adamantly, we promise to attempt to reverse the tides when this pandemic crisis subsides. In the meantime, we’ve come up with various learning alternatives to get your children occupied and prepare them when they come back to school. We will strategically set in motion these learning alternatives, such are following:
·   Online Classes:  at least for seniors classes we will send you the website or links to these OnlineAlternative Classrooms where teachers may interact with your children via uploaded videos or real-time.
·         Worksheets: Administration will upload worksheets via our ICS Blog or through WhatsApp groups.

·         The books will be provided to the students as per school policy.

·         Admissions and other issues will be entertained after the lock down.

Homeschooling is the best solution for such situation that we have right now. We will provide the details of this wonderful proposal soon enough. Kindly bear with us, your solidarity and patience is the key, as we discover together new ways of learning in order to surpass this challenge we are facing today.

Once again we would like to apologize for this unavoidable inconvenience. We have noted all your queries online and we promise to respond to them appropriately given the time necessary. These circumstances are beyond our control but we intend to make next School Year’s curricular program even more spectacular so I hope you can join us then. Let us pray for one another, that we may beat this pandemic crisis. May God send healing to those who are affected, and keep your family safe and healthy.

Our dear parents, we are like travelers on the same path for grooming and developing our children to a bright future. No matter how steep or difficult the terrain is, with courage and God by our side we will continue to trudge on. 

Yours Sincerely,

Sr. M. Parveen Rehmat, O.P