Please click on the
following links to get the challans for Books and Stationery for School Year
2018-2019. The books can be taken from the relevant classes on 6 and 7
April 2018 for classes KG to Eight.
Books & Stationery Challan for Nursery Class
Books & Stationery Challan for Kindergarten (KG Class)
Books & Stationery Challan for Preparatory (Prep Class)
Books & Stationery Challan for Class-One
Books & Stationery Challan for Class-Two
Books & Stationery Challan for Class-Three
Books & Stationery Challan for Class-Four
Books & Stationery Challan for Class-Five
Books & Stationery Challan for Class-Six
Books & Stationery Challan for Class-Seven
For old students of H-8 Campus
For New Students transferred from F-8 Campus
Books & Stationery Challan for Class-Eight
Books & Stationery Challan for Class-Ten